Cassidy Guitars Blog


Winter 2012 RGT / LCM Exam Results

I'm really pleased to share with you the success of a number of my students in the recent Winter 2012 exam session. They have all worked extremely hard, achieved great results, improved their playing along the way and hopefully had a little bit of fun in the process....

Creepy Uncle at The George and Dragon, Heighington

One of the senior members of the Musical Green Family will be making a debut appearance at the George and Dragon, Heighington next Saturday 3rd November. The George and Dragon has recently had a couple of big improvements - quality Real Ales and Live Music - a winning...

Fancy a change from X Factor?

If you're beginning to wish there was more to life than X Factor then try out the new entries to our Top Student Videos Features. Again it's the brave young people leading the way with Jamie Davies-Sen at 11 years of age storming into the charts at No 1 with his...

Student Feature : Gareth Robson + In Evil Hour

By day Gareth Robson walks the floor as an Admin Supervisor for a large employer within the town, and by night he joins his band In Evil Hour composing their latest punk rock anthems, recording their latest album and preparing for their next show. In their own...

Out with the Old and In with the New….

It is always a bit sad to witness the passing of an old friend, so here's one last look at what may have been a familiar site for you? (it certainly was for me) : Still, out with the old and in with the new - onwards and upwards as they say? First a new dedicated...

Featured Students : Peter and Josh Westwood

I have known Peter and Josh for sometime now. Josh started lessons first around 3 years ago and has progressed well and is now singing and playing in his band Mean Plastic Sharks. Josh's Dad Peter followed on starting lessons a couple of years ago - and has developed...

Over the Hill? Not Sid……..

Northern Echo article on Monday - click to enlarge...... Nice one Sid - you're an inspiration to us all!!!!

Serial Guitar Collector- Episode 1

I have known Ian and his family for for quite a few years now, and we have all enjoyed the open mike / jam sessions at our local music bar. As a keen guitar man myself, I couldn't help but notice the very fine examples of guitars Ian turns up with each month at the...

Summer 2012 Guitar Exam Results

Congratulations to the following students for achieveng a great set of results in the Summer 2012 Registry of Guitar Tutors / London College of Music Exams issued by the University of West London. As always, it has been my pleasure and privelege to have helped you...

Featured Student : Dave Holmes

It was great sadness that I heard of the death of one of my students this morning. Dave Holmes had played the guitar for many years and had been meaning to take some "proper" (as he put it) lessons for a while. He finally got round to it earlier this year when I first...

Featured Students : Jaya Green (Aged 9) and Steve Green (Dad)

I have had the pleasure of knowing the musical Green family for  a few years now. First Bela started lessons as an accomplished Grade 8 Classical Guitarist who wanted a conversion course to Country / Blues / Rock Music - that worked and she now plays and sings in her...

Featured Student : Robyn Hoare

Robyn was lucky enough to receive a surprise guitar package on Christmas morning and duly attended her first guitar lesson in the Christmas holidays. Robyn hadn't touched a guitar before then and she hadn't sang in public either. Since then she has worked really hard...

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