Cassidy Guitars Blog

Customer Review : Cassidy CB901 MkI 5 String Active Bass

by | April 3, 2015 | 0 comments

Review by Ste Chapman…


I had been having acoustic lessons with Simon for a couple of weeks when we got on to the subject of his guitar range.


At first Simon was just explaining that he’d been working for a couple of years with an overseas Guitar Factory to develop a range of guitars and basses and how he was amazed at the Craftsmanship, the quality of timber and detail of the finished products.


I just thought “yeah I’m sure they’re very nice” which I think he heard in my tone so he disappeared off and reappeared with two guitar cases. The first one contained a Bluesville BVB361 which when I looked at it I was taken aback by the flawless finish …..


background blue skies right


But then he opened the second case and my stomach just dropped – they say you can only fall in love once but I beg to differ.


cb901 front


The CB901 – it was just like nothing I’d see before. The gorgeous flame maple front was just set alive by the Maple / Sapele through neck. I picked up the bass and placed it in my playing position and it just felt right – the slight curve of the back just helped it sit beautifully against me. Simon jokingly said that’s for the Middle age spread (hopefully it won’t come to that!!!).


cb901 rear body

Next thing an amp and lead were out and I plugged her in. I had been a bass player in a couple of bands and had experience a good range of guitars because let’s face it you can never have enough instruments!!!!! But as soon as I cranked it up I had to have her. The range of sounds I could get were endless there was no need for any other guitar just a few simple tweaks of the knobs an I’d have the perfect tone for any song from punchy funk to warm an smooth.

cb901 front body


I’d always had four strings so I was a bit worried about how to incorporate the fifth string and not constantly knowing where my fingers were. But I need not worry at all it, was a breeze – the neck just seemed to help it flow, no stretching or confusion at all.


Ste Chapman Leyburn 1 crop


All in all I’m very impressed by the Bass and come to mention it all of the Cassidy range, but this beauty has hardly been put down since I got her leaving the rest of my guitars feeling jealous!!


Anyone who buys this bass I promise shall not be disappointed.


Footnote :


Ste’s reveiw was based on the original MkI specification of the CB901. This has now been extensively developed with the inclusion of Bartolini Hum Cancelling Pickups / Bartolini Active Electronics and optional Custom Laser Engraved Finger Ramp.The MkI version was very good as you can see from Ste’s review – but we think the UK Custom Built version is superb.


Full details of the UK Custom Built CB901 can be seen here…


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